Thursday, February 9, 2012

No news is good news

So I have been putting one foot in front of the other...and being healthy. And wow, it is sometimes so stomach hurts and I am so so tired. I wonder why being healthier is more tiring? I feel like I need a nap every day - and have honestly been taking one more days than not.

Putting my health first I have been working an abbreviated schedule and going home to rest and nap. I have been able to find a good balance and told my bosses that I needed some time to address some medical issues. And so far so good - it's been 4 weeks and I haven't had any symptoms.....and haven't really had any desires to use symptoms.

BUT.....I have been dealing with hunger. And feeding that hunger. And then feeling uncomfortable in my body with feeling full.....or feeling "fat" - And I know that my body is changing and I know that is has to in order to continue on a healthy road. But it is so hard have just finished lunch and to feel hungry again....and to feel to afraid to eat...and then knowing that I have to......

Deep breath. I know I can do this and I know it will be uncomfortable. But I will continue to march through each day - - with faith and hope that each day will get easier and less painful.