Monday, January 16, 2012

Chilly weekend

Too cold to go out....that was this weekend. Although we did run errands etc....not warm enough to spend anytime outside with the boys. As most weekend, it was all about the kids...and that is a tough one for me....because "me time" can get lost and I can get frustrated, and frustration is the first step towards resentment, and the next steps aren't pretty.

I have been working very diligently on removing myself from situations with my children that cause me tons needless frustration and anger. I actually tell the boys I need a timeout until they are ready to treat me nicely. If they are disrespectful or just plain mean I walk away.....and it actually has been working for me....and I think for them. They do get frustrated, because they aren't getting the attention from their mini (or sometimes full-on) it difuses the situation.

Keeping my frustration level low was goal #1 this weekend and I was sucessful. I also actually allowed myself to enjoy a bit of life, even though that feeling is somewhat unsettling. And most importantly I was healthy.

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